ISO 21001 certification
ISO 21001 is a management system standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization that specifically focuses on promoting successful interaction between the learning organization, the learner, customers and other interested parties. It lays down a rigorous framework aimed at enhancing the level of satisfaction of learners and other beneficiaries and staff. The measure applies to all educational institutes that are part of the ecosystem and that provide, share and facilitate the building of knowledge for learners through the process of teaching, training or research. The application is made regardless of the type, size, product and services provided.
Who can apply for ISO 21001?
The standard can be applied to all organizations that offer a curriculum for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes through different lecture methods. This means that educational institution management systems are not limited to schools or university institutions, but rather to any organization that uses a curriculum to impart knowledge.
What is the importance of ISO 21001 certification
If we take a closer look at education systems globally, we will find that many national and regional systems differ from one another. They have different laws based on different principles. In contrast to the above, ISO 21001 provides a common management tool for organizations that provide educational products and services
Provides guidance on standardizing the performance of quality education.
Help stimulate excellence and creativity, as well as establish moral and social responsibility.
What are the benefits of ISO 21001?
– Better alignment of goals and activities with policy, mission and vision
– The learning process is characterized by being more personalized for learners, which leads to making it more interactive and effective
– Greater focus on learners with special educational needs, distance learners, and lifelong learning opportunities
– Increase value for learners and other beneficiaries
– Greater value for learners and other beneficiaries associated with them
– A model for improving organizational capacity, process performance and customer satisfaction
– Improve operational effectiveness and efficiency
– Increase the credibility of the organization
– Promote people’s participation in improvement activities
– Harmonization of regional, national, Open, property rights and other standards within an international framework
– Increase the satisfaction of learners and other beneficiaries
– Stimulating excellence and innovation
What are the principles of ISO 21001?
– Focus on learners and other beneficiaries :
The main focus of this standard is to meet the requirements of the learner and other beneficiaries, and the goal is to exceed their expectations.
– Wise leadership :
Wise leadership allows all learners and other beneficiaries to participate in the development, writing and implementation of the organization’s mission, vision and goals.
Engaging people :
It is extremely important that the organization works to involve competent, empowered and engaged individuals in delivering values.
Process approach :
Consistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and efficiently when activities are understood and managed as interrelated processes that act as a coherent system, including inputs and outputs.
– Optimization :
Successful organizations are constantly focused on improving evidence-based decisions : decisions and approaches based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to achieve the desired results.
– Relationship management :
For continued success, organizations manage their relationships with interested parties, such as service providers.
– Social responsibility :
Socially responsible organizations are sustainable and ensure long-term success.
– Accessibility and equity :
Successful organizations are inclusive, flexible, transparent and accountable organizations in order to meet the individual and special needs of learners, their interests, abilities and backgrounds.
– Ethical behavior in education :
Ethical behavior concerns the ability of an organization to create an ethical professional environment in which all interested parties are treated fairly, avoid conflicts of interest, and conduct activities for the benefit of society.
– Data security and protection :
The organization creates an environment in which all interested parties can interact with the educational institution with confidence that they control the use of their data, and the educational organization will treat their data with appropriate care and confidentiality.